Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Arguments on DJ Trump

Here is some information on Mexico’s least favorite man: Donald Trump. There are two sides to the people around Trump: those who support him, and those who hate his guts. Both of these groups are for a separate and different idea, and unsurprisingly, they create opposite arguments.
                An article by A.J. Degado outlines some of the justifications for going for Trump. On the pro-Trump side, they say that, “His ideas – e.g., a sound immigration policy, returning manufacturing jobs to America, negotiating better trade deals (etc.).” Here they use words with positive connotations to justify the actions of Trump. They use a “sound immigration policy” rather than saying the famous lines “build a wall to keep them out.” The use of doublespeak here changes the plan of building a wall to feel like it’s just a negotiation, not a giant project that ignores ethics. The use of this language blurs the argument, giving it a feeling of security, rather than a feeling of executive action.
            On the anti-Trump side, there is a news article written by Dailymail Reporters. They describe a protest image of Trump as “An effigy of Donald Trump holding a KKK mask was carried in one march.” Here, they use the word “effigy” to describe Trump’s image. Instead of the word “symbol”, the word “effigy is used”. Using effigy instead produces the feeling that instead of representing Trump, that image is actually Trump holding a KKK mask. This in turn creates a feeling of hatred with the use of the KKK instead of a “group of dedicated Caucasian Christians.” The feeling of hatred combined with the effigy of Trump attaches that hatred to Trump himself.
                So both groups, both anti and pro Trump, use these phrases to change the feeling of that argument. The feeling in turn alters the association between the argument and Trump himself. The association then turns into a definition for Trump. So whether you believe that Trump is an economic savior or a member of the Klan, both sides still use the same argument strategy.



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