Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Swiss Army Man

So I just watched this trailer for a new Daniel Radcliff movie on Youtube called the Swiss Army Man.
Warning! The movie is R rated, so you may or may not want to see what’s here. But it does look like a good movie.

After watching this trailer, I want to watch this movie, and I’m not sure why. Why would anyone be interested in a movie about a guy who befriends a talking, flatulent corpse on a desert island? Then I realized that this shows a lot about how we think today. The media fed to me modified my mind to this, and that probably made me interested in this movie, while some might not be so interested.
                I got interested in this movie not for the talking corpse, but for the unusual friendship that was made. Back in the elementary school days, the teachers talked a lot about friendship, so that was where my interest in that came from. Another interest in this film was the kind of creative problem solving done. My parents let me watch various movies with the stranded-on-the-island plot, and I enjoyed the creativity in problem solving. Finally, i liked that I could relate to the corpse.  Not for that he was dead, but that he didn’t know anything about society. I was antisocial for the first decade of my life, so that makes me relatable.

                So its uncommon for someone to like the trailer the exact same ways as me. But it will vary person to person whether they like it or not. It will also vary why they like/dislike it. I am interested in varying reasons why you like or dislike the trailer. Anyways, thank you.


  1. I'll admit - that trailer made me curious. The thing that stands out the most to me is that I want to see whether the main character survives or not. I can think of a lot of movies that are popular because we root for the protagonist to survive (The Martian, Life of Pi, 127 Hours, etc.). Our culture seems to emphasize rooting for the underdog. I'm also curious to see how Daniel Radcliffe pulls off playing a dead guy for a feature-length movie. Oscar for Actor of the Year?

  2. I'm very curious for this movie. Its concept is very creative and there is a lot of potential to place in a plethora of "out there" ideas. Having watched this trailer, my bar is set pretty high, but I feel like the filmmakers will go the route where the main character was dead the whole time, from when he first tried to hang himself.
