Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Gunpla Ad Analysis + Internal Civil War

So, many of you guys have seen me geek out over one of my passions in this world: Gunpla. In case you didn’t know (which you probably don’t) Gunpla is short for “Gundam Plamo”. Gundam are giant fighting robots from the anime cartoon series “Mobile Suit Gundam”. Plamo is an abbreviation for “Plastic Model”, which of course Gunpla are. What makes them different from typical plastic models is that they are articulate and extremely complicated and fun to build. Even a small set can have 300-400 pieces of plastic.

(Hey! this is a critical thinking media blog post, stop talking about Gunpla and give them the ad analysis!)
(Oh, right, I got It. Wait, who are you?)
(I’m that voice inside your head telling you to get to work! Show the Ad!)
(Cool, I’ve got my own personal assistant. What else can you do?)
(I’ll fry your brain synapses with Dymethyltriptamine until it makes you hallucinate so badly you’ll think you’re a fish donkey chewing zebra tar on a carousel in perpetual motion!)
(The AD!!)
(Right, uh, Here it is.)

(Man I love Gundam Barbatos!! 1/144 scale, beautiful piston-operated frame, modular armor components, ----)
(Get to the explanation! You’re wasting Mr. Starace’s time!)
(Don’t make me fire up the chemicals donkey boy)

So it might be hard to find many advertising techniques at first, but, as my dad always says, nitpicking will get you anywhere. So, I’m nitpicking!

First thing that strikes you is the lighting of the AD. The advertisers use the technique of “Gestalt, Subliminal Persuasion” by using that dark, rugged lighting. The entire image is actually “ruggedized” from the surroundings, such as the sparking wires and the rusting terrace, and the explosion-like background during the posing. The appeal to the ruggedness is also appeal to the need to achieve. Ruggedness being associated with toughness gives the resilience to achieve.

Im not really sure that there is a technique name in this one. But, they do alter the scale of the robot a little bit. First of all, they make it look huge. First by panning the camera angle from the bottom up, making it look like you’re looking up at a giant. Another thing. (Nitpicking detail!)(Shut Up!)(Sorry) is that, you may not notice it, but the legs are massive in scale compared to a normal human body. It kind of creates the illusion of the Gundam being massive. Showing the hugeness of the Gunpla appeals to the need to dominate again, as you are manning this giant fighting robot. It also appeals to the need for prominence, as you would be respected and admired with a massive robot mech.

Not sure if there is a technique in this one either. But it just shows Barbatos posing with a wide range of weapons from katanas to a sniper cannon. That wide range of weapons mirrors Barbatos’ wide range of abilities in the anime. This could appeal to the need to dominate, because this Gundam has the ability to do anything, giving you the tools to do anything.

(Whew, that’s done, I think I’ll go sleep now)
(NO, wrap up the conversation first!)
(But I’m tirrred)
(Don’t make me spark your dendrites to make you hurt)
(Heh, you like it, dontcha)
(Okay, if you say so. Well folks, that’s the end of………….DEEZ NU---)
(NO! I do NOT show that side of me!)
(Hey, how did you--)
(What? My name isn’t even---)
(Hah, brain freeze from a blueberry smoothie. Let’s see you talk frozen.)

            Whew, sorry about that. Well, to wrap this up. Main points, advertising in Gunpla included a lot of using a need to dominate or achieve. Even if it just is a plastic model, it still appeals as a medium of which you can achieve things. A lot of people have been hooked by this appeal to dominate, even me. Ive spent, what $600 now on these models because they were no longer models, they were how I achieved things.

(Stupid kid, you could use that money for college)
(Well you should go up your Axon Hillock)
(*Gasp* You did not)
(OW! Why you---)
(OWW, Oh its on)

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